FORTIFIED Home™ standards are consistent throughout the country. Only Evaluators can verify and ensure a home meets the program requirements no matter where it is.

FORTIFIED Evaluators™ are independent, third-party, and certified. They provide critical, mandatory compliance verification services and are the only professionals who can help you earn a FORTIFIED Designation for your property. 

The Evaluation Process

  1. Contact an Evaluator
  2. Choose a Roofer or Builder
  3. Roofing and/or building begins
  4. Evaluator does a final inspection and submits all pictures and testing information
  5. IBHS verifies it and sends the homeowner and Evaluator the certificate

    An Evaluator will charge based on their independent costs, the home's size, the scope of work, and other factors. Get quotes from several FORTIFIED Evaluators before deciding who to work with.

    Contractor Online Module 6 recording 3 1 23

    FORTIFIED Evaluators are certified after completing a comprehensive training course, passing a final exam, and meeting rigorous professional requirements. Only then are they qualified to help assess the condition of single-family, detached dwellings.

    Attend FORTIFIED Wise University

    Become FORTIFIED Certified.

    Sign Up for the Course