Is wind insurance separate from homeowners insurance? 

Yes, in 18 coastal states and Pennsylvania wind insurance is a separate policy according to the Insurance Information Institute (iii)

Are there different types of wind insurance? 

Yes. Wind insurance has many names: Windstorm, Wind and Hail, Named Storm, or Hurricane coverage. 

It's important to note that Hurricane and named storm coverage deductibles are only triggered if a tropical storm or hurricane causes damage. With windstorm or wind and hail coverage, this deductible would be charged even if a thunderstorm damaged a home. Coastal homeowners should look to add hurricane or named storm coverage if possible. 

Regardless of the name, wind Insurance is additional coverage coastal homeowners must add to their insurance policy to cover damage from hurricanes, windstorms, and hail in some cases. 

The deductible on a wind insurance policy is usually percentage-based. This means your insurance deductible is based on a percentage of the insured value of your home. For example, if your home is insured for $200,000 and your wind insurance deductible is 5%, your deductible amount would be $10,000.

For Inland homeowners, wind insurance is typically included in their base homeowners insurance policy. There is no tornado insurance. 

How do wind insurance deductibles work?

Deductibles are the amount of damage property owners should be prepared to pay out of pocket before their insurance coverage kicks in. The deductible amount is usually subtracted from the amount of a claim. 

For wind insurance, there are typically two types of deductibles: 

  • Hurricane or named storm deductibles - Pays for damage from hurricanes and/or tropical storms only. 
  • Windstorm, wind, or wind and hail deductibles - Can pay for any damage caused by wind storms, such as thunderstorms, straight-line winds, wind and hail, hurricanes, and tropical storms. 

How to save money on wind insurance?

Many insurance companies provide discounts for specific upgrades and features that better protect homes from being damaged. Consider building or re-roofing using FORTIFIED standards to qualify for insurance discounts, and learn about other options here. 

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